Principal's Message

Welcome to Christ Academy Institute of Law, Bangalore. At the outset, let me congratulate you for choosing CAIL to pursue your studies in Law. Law is one of the oldest and most noble professions. The role of the lawyers in providing justice and shaping the society is highly significant and commendable. The Programme for Law has been designed to inculcate an attitude of inquiry which is vital for the legal profession. The essential attributes of a lawyer such as communication skills, argumentative skills, interpersonal skills and societal skills are extensively discussed during the course. Eminent scholars from different fields of law will address you on professional ethics and other aspects of the legal profession. They will provide you with insights on how to approach the discipline of law. You are required to thoroughly review and abide by the rules and regulations outlined in this handbook. Additionally, it is essential to diligently follow your teacher’s instructions. Keeping your parents informed about these guidelines is your responsibility. Since discipline is a crucial element in this professional program, the handbook will serve as a valuable resource to support your academic journey within the institution. As an industrious law student, you should continue to focus on studying case laws and refining your communication skills. Internships are crucial for seeking career opportunities in law. Accordingly, you should explore good internships and convert them into placement prospects. After completing law school, you have several career paths to choose from, including Independent Practice, a career in the Judiciary, Civil Services, and working in a Law Firm. I hope your five-year stay on campus will be a transforming one. During your life here, channel your energy and potential to learn the nuances of law. Make your parents and the Institution proud through your endeavours.
Wish you All the Best!
Prof. (Dr.) Davis Panadan CMI,
Principal, CAIL